API Reference


Axxess Logo

Axxess ISP provides a comprehensive API to order numerous products, including:

  • Mobile Data
  • Fibre Combos
  • ADSL Data
  • ADSL Lines
  • Axxess Voice (VoIP)
  • Fixed Wireless

API Manual

The Axxess API PDF can be downloaded here.

Source Code

The Axxess API is also provided as a single PHP file called resellerAPIbootstrap.php.


Cybersmart Logo

Cybersmart provides an API to do most things Cybersmart related. They have a cool reseller demo of what’s possible, and also provides a link to download the sample source code.

Noticably absent from the source code is anything fibre related. Although the online demo has an Add Telkom FTTH Account menu, this API call does not exist in the source code.


DirectAdmin is a control panel recommended by ZADomains.

Internet Solutions

addAccount (JSON 3.2)

Used to add a new LTE account.

Method POST
URL /rest/lte/addAccount.php
Required Parameters All except Building and Instructions


  "Username": "MyUsername",
  "Realm": "",
  "Password": "ExamplePassword",
  "Package": "lte-cellc-50g",
  "LTE Device": "B618",
  "Delivery Details": {
    "Contact": {
      "Name": "Joe Rest",
      "ID Number": "8134464656565",
      "Cell": "0836547912",
      "Day Number": "0836547912",
      "Email": ""
    "Address": {
      "Building": "Unit 19",
      "Street": "45 Street Road",
      "Suburb": "Sandton",
      "City": "Johannesburg",
      "PostCode": "2190"
    "RICA": {
      "Building": "Unit 19",
      "Street": "45 Street Road",
      "Suburb": "Sandton",
      "City": "Johannesburg",
      "PostCode": "2190"
    "Instructions": "Deliver instruction for courier"


  "ok": true,
  "data": {
    "Request ID": 118
  • The Request ID should be stored as this is used to track or cancel the order.

PHP Example

$provisioning->request_id = $result->data->{'Request ID'};

cancelOrder (JSON 3.5)

Cancel a undelivered new order.

Method POST
URL /rest/lte/cancelOrder.php
Required Parameters Request ID

An order can only be cancelled prior to the courier sending the package for delivery.

Sample request

  "Request ID": 121

Sample response

  "ok": true,
  "data": null

deleteAccount (JSON 3.8)

Delete an active LTE account.

URL /rest/lte/deleteAccount.php
Required Parameters username, reason_code

Please refer to the reason codes table for possible reason codes.

Remember to URL encode your parameter strings.

Sample request


Sample response

  "ok": true,
  "data": null

getAccountInfo (SOAP 5.2.7)

This procedure will return an array containing the given broadband account’s information.

Name Type Description Values
arrAccountInfo Array Account data UserName, Password, Comment, SystemComment, EmailAddress, Class, Status
intReturnCode Integer Result of request Refer to Return Codes

The Status field mapping

Value Status Description
1 used Account is active
2 released Account will be deactivated at the end of the month
3 suspended Account is suspended
4 h_cap Account is capped
5 other
6 pending Account pending activation
7 cancelled Undocumented but in our experience account was cancelled before delivery

Reason Codes (JSON 4)

Method Reason Code Description
cpaReturn 1 Not in coverage
cpaReturn 2 Slow speeds
cpaReturn 3 Unhappy with device
cpaReturn 4 Poor customer service
cpaReturn 5 Buyers remorse
cpaReturn 6 Changing service providers
swapOut 1 Out of box failure
swapOut 2 Faulty device within warranty period
swapOut 3 Faulty sim
swapOut 4 Lost sim
deleteAccount 1 Changing service providers due to better deal
deleteAccount 2 Poor customer service
deleteAccount 3 Connectivity issues