We use PHPUnit to do testing.
Where to find the tests
Tests can be found in fintech/tests/Unit
Skipping tests
Add the following comment atthe top of your method inside a test to classify it as current
* @group current
public function test_only_this_function_will_be_called()
Then run phpunit –group=current to execute just identified tests.
See Bash Aliases for shortcuts available when testing
HTML Output
- Test File names should have a suffix Test ** For example, if First.php needs to be tested,the name of the test file name will be FirstTest.php ** Similarly, if the class name is MyFirstClass than the test class name will be MyFirstClassTest
- Add test as the prefix for method names. For example, if the method name is getUser(), then in test class, it will become test_get_user(). ** You can also use @test annotation in document block to declare it as a testing method
- All testing methods are public
- MyFirstClassTest class should be inherited from PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase.
Francois Zaninotto has the excellent PHP Faker library useful for testing. Here are some of our favourites:
$this->faker->randomElement(['african', 'white', 'coloured', 'indian', 'foreign_national']);