Cell C API

Cell C API

Beta version available now through our exclusive reseller, Vander Host.


The IS LTE API provides an easy way to procure and keep track of IS LTE orders. Clients can specify their delivery address, choose their router, and then have the router and SIM card delivered to their home or business. Orders can also be placed by back office administrators using a similar workflow.

Invoices are generated at point of sale, and the actual order at IS only placed once the client has paid for the device. Once the device has been delivered, a pro-rata invoice is automatically generated and charged to the client’s account. This invoice will recur automatically every month unless the order is cancelled.

There is an easy to use top-up portal should clients with to add additional data.

Clients are able to login into a client side portal and view information about their service including all usage, and all top-ups active on the account.

The IS LTE API provides a seamless experience for both the end-user and systems administrators. Behind the scenes the IS LTE API tracks orders, ensures pro-rata is properly calculated, and automatic updates usage. The API will also automatically cancel services at the end of the month if users have requested a cancellation.

Key Features

  • Create new LTE Users by ordering from the website or the back office
  • Usage is updated every hour and visible in the service information page
  • Usage is also visible on the client side

Detailed Features

Check Usage

Create LTE Service

From cart

Other product group template:

From the Add New Order screen:


Suspend LTE Service

Track Order

Top Up

Top ups can be done from the /topup.php page. Choose the desired top up, type in the username that should be topped up, and press the Submit button.

Installation Guide

Get a license at Vander Host, our exclusive reseller partner. When you buy the license there will be an optional add-on available to get an installation service provided by a system specialist. This is only needed if you don’t want to do the install yourself.

Click here to go to Vander Host to purchase the product.

IP Whitelisting Requirement

Note: In order for the IS LTE API to work, you have to get your WHMCS server’s IP whitelisted at Internet Solutions. Contact your IS account manager and ask them to whitelist your IP address. Once your IP address is whitelisted, there is a Test Server procedure in the LTE Provisioning Module that can be used to test the link.

The software consists of two modules:

  1. A WHMCS Server Provisioning Module called islte.zip. The is the IS LTE API.
  2. A WHMCS Addon Module called isp_provisioning.zip. This is a WHMCS add-on that has auxiliary functions needed to keep track of provisioning orders such as new devices.


  1. Download and install the file islte.zip and save/decompress to: /whmcs_installation_dir/modules/servers/islte

  2. Download and install this file and save/decompress to: /whmcs_installation_dir/modules/addons/isp_provisioning


IS LTE API Server Provisioning Module

When configuring the IS LTE API Server Provisioning Module, you can use your live or test IS API credentials. If you want to use both and switch between the two, create a .env file for credentials and store it in the /whmcs_install_dir/modules/addons/isp_provisioning folder. An example has been provided already which you can just rename. The file should have all the following information:




Once you have installed and configured the IS LTE API, click test server to see if connectivity to the API is working.

ISP Provisioning Add-Module

The ISP Provisioning module provides management functions to the IS LTE API or any other APIs that you might have installed. It is a free download and can be found here:

Go here to download the module.

Once you have downloaded it, copy it to: /whmcs_installation_direcotry/modules/addons/isp_provisioning

Then navigate to Setup / Addon Modules, and click Activate.

The ISP Provisioning Module will automatically detect the IS LTE API or any other APIs that you have installed. If you cannot see the ISP LTE API, simply Deactivate and Reactivate the module.

See Also